Blue Marble Week graphic

Blue Marble Week

BLUE MARBLE WEEK IS A CELEBRATION OF EARTH’S FIRST SELFIE. OF THE FIRST WHOLE-EARTH IMAGE FROM SPACE. This is credited with the start of the global environmentalist movement. It sparked an appreciation for

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Summer Research Opportunities and Graduate School Resources

Grad School 101: Why Consider Graduate School?Sponsored by: Georgia Tech, University of Michigan, Northwestern, Ohio State, and Purdue UniversityWhen: Wednesday December 9th, 4:30-5:30pm Eastern TimeFor Who: Undergraduate Freshman, Sophomore, and JuniorsWhere: ZoomRegister using this

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Faculty Advisor Training Series

You are invited to join the virtual Faculty Advisor Training Series. The series introduces undergraduate faculty advisors to academic advising core competencies.          – FA 101: Nuts & Bolts of Faculty Advising: January 22,

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