Tim Weise

Mission to Mars

At mission control, what had been projected as “seven minutes of terror” was actually a bit of an understatement, a Cal Poly graduate said, after he and his fellow NASA team members nervously

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Professor with students

A Good Fellow

An advocate of evidence-based teaching practices whose classic dynamics textbook is used by students nationwide, Brian Self was recently named a Fellow of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). The ASEE, dedicated

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CENG Honored Alumni

The Honored Alumni Award honors those Cal Poly graduates who have made significant contributions to society, and whose accomplishments, affiliations and careers have honored the legacy of Cal Poly. The Honored Alumni Award,

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PolySat Team on Cloud 9

When students gather at the University Union to watch a historic Mars landing Monday, members of the PolySat team will be there to boast about their own space exploration. The team will have

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In Search of Weasels

Inspecting multiple drones parked in the Advanced Technology Lab, Dean Arakaki makes an important observation about tracking small mammals. “We can’t use this one because it’s too loud,” says Arakaki, associate professor in

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Prized Posters

A computer-generated lift simulation of a fighter plane won first place for posters this month during the first College of Engineering Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium. The symposium is an event recognizing student achievement in

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