Man in front of ocean

Arctic Exploration

Traveling through the North Atlantic, the captain of research vessel Neil Armstrong had to repeatedly navigate around harsh weather that would entail winds near 60 mph and 24-foot swells. But those stormy seas, EJ Rainville

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Student in machine shop

An Automated Upgrade

A fleet of newly purchased Haas CNC machines will help teach engineering students how mechanical parts are designed, manufactured, and inspected — better preparing them for their future careers — said Trian Georgeou,

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Taking Flight

Surveillance planes searching for wildfires, missing persons or military targets need as much time in the air as they can get, said Russell Westphal, a mechanical engineering professor. So aircraft companies seek to

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Helping Wounded Vets

After he lost his left hand during a 2004 training accident, Toshiro Carrington returned to active duty just three months later and remained one of the Navy SEAL’s top snipers. But today, when

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Tryg Lundquist

An Environmental Legacy

Cows that lived decades ago could potentially pose a risk to the environment and public health, according to a NASA-supported study that involved Cal Poly’s Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. The new findings,

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