Hands for Julian

While the wounds on 10-year-old Julian Reynoso’s hands are healing from a deadly drunken driving accident, a team of Cal Poly engineering students is working to restore the boy’s quality of life by

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Group with bike

Bike Builders Club

In March, the Cal Poly Bike Builders Club traveled to Sacramento to present a club project at the North American Handmade Bike Show (NAHBS) where they won the Titanium Joe Award for their

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Students working

Making the Challenge

After spending several weeks working on a design, a team of QL+ students began working on a prosthetic limb last winter that can improve the surfing experience for amputee surfers. During the fall,

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Student working

New IME Lab Opens

Complete with work stations, barcode sensors and a conveyor belt, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering students Todd Altshuler and Brandon White, working with professors Ginni Callow and Karen Bangs, designed and built a small

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