
I Am First Gen Request For Profiles

The Office of University Diversity and Inclusion (OUDI), in partnership with the College of Liberal Arts, is developing a new resource for first generation students on campus. As part of this resource, OUDI

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Digital Postcard

Got News?

Let CENG help you get the word out! Do you have an upcoming event or news you would like to promote throughout the College of Engineering? We would like to share your announcements

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Pitching computer screen

Pitching New Ways to Prevent Injuries

Summer Undergraduate Research Program projects look at the biomechanics of pitching a baseball with the goal of reducing injuries in young pitchers As a member of Cal Poly’s tennis team who has seen

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Virtual learning graphic

CENG opens a Virtual Study Hall

The ME Department, through the IDEAS Grant, is pleased to bring you a new “Study Hall” experience. It’s a Zoom room with a host that will put you into a breakout room with

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