Compton to Google

Anthony D. Mays, whose unlikely path from Compton to Google was detailed in a popular Buzzfeed documentary, offered simple advice for African-American students who find themselves significantly outnumbered in class: “Just get

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Cracking the Code

Ignatios Vakalis, who helped increase the number of females pursuing computer science degrees at Cal Poly by 300 percent over the past decade, will be honored Nov. 2 with a national diversity

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Headshot of woman

An Ambassador to Computer Science

While Zoë Wood is an innovative, tech-savvy computer science professor, she grew up in the countryside, raised in a one-room, 15×18-foot house in the Santa Barbara mountains. “I spent most of my

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Male professor

Computing Cows for More Milk

By analyzing massive data collected from cattle, computer scientists hope to increase the amount of milk dairy cows can produce, said Chris Lupo, chair of the computer science and software engineering department.

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Students in Malta

In Search of Sunken History

The island of Malta’s 7,000-year history can be studied and admired through its prehistoric temples, Roman catacombs and medieval towns. But some of its past is less accessible, buried beneath the surface

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