Human Trafficking Summit
Human trafficking is one of the most significant human rights violations of our time. Join Cal Poly Jan. 26-28 to learn the impact that human trafficking has on San Luis Obispo County,
Human trafficking is one of the most significant human rights violations of our time. Join Cal Poly Jan. 26-28 to learn the impact that human trafficking has on San Luis Obispo County,
A year after the deadliest wildfire in California history, a team of Cal Poly engineering students has created a robot that can detect burning embers and immediately extinguish them with water, potentially
CIE First Innovation Quest Info Session | Thursday, Nov. 14 in Bldg. 2, Rm 210 Calling all Cal Poly innovators! It’s time to shift into gear for Innovation Quest 2020 — that features $30,000 in
Heidi Harmon, the Mayor of San Luis Obispo, will be in San Luis Lounge (University Union Room 221) from 11 a.m.-12 p.m. on Thursday, November 14th, to speak with students about her