Bob Crockett

Getting a Feel for Virtual Reality

When you pull a virtual reality headset over your eyes, you can find yourself immersed in a place that isn’t really there, Bob Crockett told a sold-out crowd at Good Morning SLO recently. “The

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track star

CENG Underdog Wins Athlete of the Year

Even after getting rejected for a spot on Cal Poly’s running teams a second consecutive year, Swarnjit Boyal left the coach’s office thinking, “This isn’t the last you’ll hear from me.” Fueled

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Woman sanding box

A Helping Hand at Cal Poly CENG

High school students in the Upward Bound program sanded, sawed and painted at the Bonderson last week, creating games for Jack’s Helping Hand, a charity that assists children with disabilities. The federally-funded Upward Bound

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