Free Welcoming Spaces Workshop for Leaders

Two people holding up a pride flag.

The Central Coast Coalition for Inclusive Schools presents Creating Welcoming Spaces: A Beginner’s Guide to Inclusion on Saturday, Nov. 9 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Cal Poly SLO’s College of Engineering Bonderson Building 104. A free lunch catered from Urbane Cafe will be provided to participants!

This workshop is for student leaders, professors, teachers, nonprofit leaders, group facilitators, business owners, managers or anyone who hosts others in a shared space.

We will thoughtfully examine ways in which groups of people and individuals experience exclusion historically and currently. Facilitators and participants will share their own experiences and discuss practical methods for creating a welcoming environment for everyone who enters a shared space. We will explore how diversity and inclusion leads to equity and belonging and improved outcomes for everything from mental and physical health to business success.

There is no cost, however we are requesting a donation to the Central Coast for Coalition for Inclusive Schools in the sign up form if it is within your financial capability. It is the only time you will see a request for money.

Sign Up Form

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