Department of Energy RENEW Grant

Students around laptop
Lubomir Stanchev, a professor in the Computer Science and Software Engineering Department, points to a laptop while working with students on a project with the California Energy Commission and the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute.

As part of a Department of Energy RENEW grant, we have 30 scholarships for a Summer Online Upper-division Quantum Computing course that students can earn 3 units towards their major. We are primarily looking for students in their junior or higher academic year having completed a semester of each, a calculus and a programming language course. We are looking for individuals who are passionate about growing their STEM training in the new and exciting field of quantum science.

Quantum computing is an emerging technology that has the potential of solving complex problems by using a new computing paradigm. This course introduces the practice of quantum computation and algorithms in computer science. Topics covered include the mathematics to understand the relationship between physical systems and quantum computation. A diverse set of algorithms are covered including Grover’s Search Algorithm, quantum error correction, and quantum cryptography. Students will develop their code on a quantum computer. Includes a lab section.

The Quantum Computing course is delivered through CSU, Chico and is open to all CSU students. Participants must be an enrolled undergraduate student at any CSU campus. Students must complete one of the following two offerings of the same course:

CSCI 420 Applied Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists

1st offering: 06/03/2024 – 06/25/2024 MTWR 8:00am – 11:25am
2nd offering: 07/22/2024 – 08/13/2024 MTWR 8:00am – 11:25am

Please complete the following application and more information will be conveyed.

Application webpage:

Application deadline: May 1, 2024

Final selections made: May 15, 2024

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Jaime Raigoza (
