Call for New IRA Proposals for 2024-25

Man speaking to class

On behalf of the Instructionally Related Activities Advisory Committee (IRAAC), we are pleased to announce the Call for Proposals for FY 2024-25 for any activities seeking first time recognition.

Proposals for first-time recognition are due to the VPSA or Dean’s Office by Feb. 2.

The call for funding requests for currently recognized IRAs will go out separately in late January and be due to the VPSA or College Deans by end of day March 1.

An Instructionally Related Activity (IRA) is an “out-of-class experience” that provides enrichment to students and enhances their learning at Cal Poly. Funding for all recognized IRAs is provided through student fees. All IRA programs/activities are partially sponsored by an academic dean or department and are “integrally related” to a formal instructional program.

Requests for IRA recognition and funding are initiated through faculty/staff advisors (sometimes with the help of students) who submit the proposals to the colleges or VP SA for Student Affairs IRAs. The IRA Advisory Committee reviews all requests for recognition of new IRA programs and forwards their recommendations to the campus president.

The forms for requesting new recognition are now posted on the IRA website.

Instructionally Related Activities – Academic Programs and Planning – Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo What is an IRA? An Instructionally Related Activity (IRA) is an “out-of-class experience” that provides enrichment to students and enhances their learning at Cal Poly. Funding for recognized IRAs is provided through student fees. All IRA programs/activities are partially sponsored by an academic dean or department and are “integrally related” to a formal instructional program.

Also posted are links to a wealth of useful information: examples of completed proposals, the recognition criteria, a list of already recognized IRAs and links to their descriptions, and an operations manual for IRAs. 

Please bear in mind that the total amount of IRA funding available increases only slightly each year, if at all, and can drop if campus or individual college enrollments drop.  With the total amount of funds available roughly fixed, funding new IRAs reduces the funding available for existing IRAs.   Therefore, recognition as an IRA in no way guarantees funding.  Advisors considering proposing a new activity are encouraged to research those IRAs already operating on campus and, if the functions proposed are similar, to contact the existing activity and consider working together. 

Proposal Process

  1. If you are applying for IRA recognition for the first time and you currently have club status, or you are trying to decide between applying for club status or IRA recognition, please carefully consider that the university recognizes clubs and IRAs separately.  Each of these organization types enjoys the rights and privileges of recognition by the university but has unique funding approaches. Student organizations are assigned to one and only one of these categories based upon organizational purpose and funding eligibility. Therefore, a group that currently functions as a student club will lose its club status and associated funding if it receives IRA recognition.  For more information regarding possible club status, see the club website at Join or start a club to build life-long friendships, influence change, and serve the community in lasting ways.
  2. Coordinators/advisors seeking first time recognition will submit a completed Proposal for New Recognition and a Budget Proposal form to their college dean or the vice president for student affairs (VPSA) for review and required signatures by Feb. 2. The IRAAC encourages coordinators to submit a concise proposal that clearly demonstrates how the proposed activity aligns with the IRA criteria. The college deans’ and the VPSA’s offices will review all new recognition forms and submit to the Academic Programs office no later than Feb. 9.
  3. IRAAC will complete its review of proposals for new recognition on or around April 1 and will notify coordinators of recognition decisions via email.
  4. If your proposed IRA receives recognition, the college dean or VPSA’s office will submit a funding allocation recommendation to the Academic Programs office no later than May 31.

Please contact Jessica Carson at if you have any questions about IRAs, the process or procedures or if you have any difficulty with the forms.

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