Noyce School of Applied Computing Request for Proposals Due Dec. 8

Computer science professor Zachary Peterson instructs a class in cybersecurity in the Cal Poly Northrop Grumman Cyber Lab in Building 192. Photo: Dennis Steers / College of Engineering

The Noyce School of Applied Computing invites faculty (tenured, tenure-track and lecturers) to apply for funding to support promising research and educational projects that are aligned with the Noyce School of Applied Computing’s mission and vision.

Interdisciplinary applied computing projects that integrate knowledge and perspectives from two or more fields of study are highly encouraged.

To support this, each proposal must include at least one faculty member affiliated with a Noyce School department, which include Computer Engineering, Computer Science and Software Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Statistics.

The Noyce School has allocated $200,000 for this funding cycle, with future funding cycles expected. Individual proposals may request between $5,000 and $50,000 based on demonstrated need. Awards will be distributed to multiple deserving proposals, ensuring a wide array of innovative ideas receive support. 

Read the full request for proposals (RFP) and apply by Dec. 8 on InfoReady.  If you have any questions about how to use InfoReady, contact Bridget Benson, Associate Dean for Scholarship and Assessment, at

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