New Course Offering: Quantum Computing

Student in front of computer.
PolySat lead Grigory Heaton, an aerospace engineering and physics major, checks out the orbital paths of Cal Poly CubeSats in the PolySat Lab.

Content: Quantum computing theory (qubits, quantum gates, quantum circuits), quantum computer architectures, quantum algorithms, run computations on a quantum computer

Offered: spring 2024


PHYS 211 Modern Physics I or CHEM 353 Physical Chemistry III –to learn about the meaning of the quantum mechanical wavefunction

MATH 206 Linear Algebra or MATH 244 Linear analysis I –to learn linear algebra, the mathematical language used for quantum computing

Interested in taking this? Then please take PHYS 211 (or other prerequisites) in winter!

Questions? Ask Dr. Kat Gillen,
