CENG Staff Spotlight: Colin Bonnicksen

A man smiling

Job Title: Associate Director of Development and Advancement 

Hometown: Ringsted, Iowa

What brought you to Cal Poly College of Engineering?   

My wife and I decided to move our family from Missoula, Montana, to the Central Coast because we love it here. Once we made that decision, I knew a dream place to work would be Cal Poly. I was aware of the reputation of the school, and to work in the College of Engineering is a dream because I absolutely believe that engineers are the problem-solvers who are going to create tangible, positive change in our world.  

How do you like to spend your free time?  

I have three young children so free time is not something I have a lot of; however, I love working on projects around my house, gardening and cooking. I also worked in college football for more than a decade, so if there is a football game on, I am probably watching it. 

What is the most helpful advice you’ve received? 

If you can hold on to your curiosity, you will hold on to your happiness. 

What is something you can’t live without?

My children. And good ramen.

How does engineering apply to your daily life?

It touches all facets of human existence! I can attribute most aspects of my daily routine to innovative and practical applications of engineering.  

How do you support the college’s commitment to justice, equity, diversity and inclusion?  

I am a firm believer that diverse perspectives, diverse mindsets and diverse experiences bring about a greater wealth of ways to solve a problem. I love speaking to donors and alumni about the College of Engineering’s progress in creating a more just, equitable, diverse and inclusive community and learning environment, and then sharing how they can help make additional growth on that front. 
