Update: Now Accepting Proposals for Teacher-Scholar Mini Grant Program
At Cal Poly, the teacher-scholar model is the embodiment of Learn by Doing for faculty. The teacher-scholar model acknowledges the importance of engagement in continuous learning in one’s field as a

Corporate Dean’s Club for Innovation Panel: How to Make The Most of Your Summer Job, Internship or Research Experience
Calling all students looking for an advantage as you prepare for summer and internships, summer jobs or research projects! Join a panel of industry leaders who will advise on how you can

Rescheduled! Change the Status Quo Social Justice & Service Lecture Series: An Evening with Steven Canals
Steven Canals’ visit — which was postponed from its rescheduled March 15 date due to speaker illness — will now be held at 6 p.m. Monday, May 22, in Chumash Auditorium. Steven

Student Athlete Spotlight: Lexi Evans
First and Last Name: Lexi Evans Major: Aerospace Engineering Hometown: San Diego, California What made you choose engineering? I chose engineering for its combination of problem-solving and applicability. I have always enjoyed