Q2S News

We love hearing about the conversations faculty and departments are having as they work on their semester course proposals.  Please make sure you are working in tandem with your department curriculum committee on your course proposals, especially related to spring deadlines to help us all reach the college May 15 deadline for major course submissions.  As a reminder, resources are available on the CENG faculty/staff canvas page.  

CENG Supplemental Form

There have been a few questions about the CENG supplemental form, which is a part of the CENG course proposal process, and we want to share a little information about this form.

The form is modeled on a process the College of Liberal Arts has been using successfully for some time. (see DLO supplemental).  The intent of the CENG form is to generate discussion and innovation as we move to semesters with a focus on how our curriculum interacts with the college’s strategic priorities.

In the fall quarter, the form was shared and revised iteratively multiple times with all department Q2S curriculum leads and college leadership (all department chairs and other college council members).   The data from the forms will be aggregated and used as a metric for our strategic plan.  We will be looking at trends and hope to use the data to make connections. For example, if there are courses across the college that address a particular strategic initiative, can we empower those faculty to work together and enhance student experience around that topic? Or if a department is weaker in one area (fewer courses addressing a strategic initiative), could the college provide that department support in that area?  The purpose of the form is to help us as a community grow and reach the college’s strategic priorities.

Some faculty have asked about a version of the form for those courses taught by multiple faculty members who would like each of their individual pedagogical choices to be reflected.  For those interested, there is an excel version of the form on the canvas site (which was created off a model by ME and can be edited).

Innovative Engineering Education Fair

We are committed to continuing to support faculty in their course development process by offering opportunities to learn from colleagues at the Innovative Engineering Education Fair this month in the ATL: April 6, April 13 and April 20, 11 a.m. to noon.

There will be cookies and coffee and faculty are welcome to stop by and say hello. This is a great time to work on proposals in a friendly space where helpful colleagues are available to chat.

April 6: ​Course proposal review (Aaron Keen and Nicole Johnson-Glauch)​ & equitable grading (Jennifer Mott)​

April 13:​ Course proposal review ​ & “Playing to Win – Managing Unintended Consequences” (Michael Whitt)

Q2S factoids

Part of each program’s draft program proposals included a memo component from each department chair, in which departments could reflect on their proposed semester curriculum.  One aspect was to reflect on how their program’s curriculum integrated various curriculum threads.  EVERY chair noted that their program intends to include curriculum components related to systems thinking and data literacy/computational thinking.  The other threads the programs are working on integrating include climate change/sustainability and justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. 

Zoë Wood, Associate Dean for Diversity and Student Success
