CENG Scholarship Seminars

Next CENG Scholarship Seminar – Wednesday, April 19th 3:10-4 in Bonderson 104

The College of Engineering is hosting a scholarship seminar every third Wednesday of the month in Bonderson 104!  The idea of this event is to have a venue for faculty and students to share current projects or project ideas with people from across the college and university in the hopes of generating some participation or collaboration in scholarly activities.  Each month, three members of the community will give informal presentations about their current or aspiring scholarly activities.  In efforts to augment our Q2S Innovation Engineering Education Fairs this month, April’s Scholarship Seminar will feature scholarship in the area of Engineering Education.  Our three speakers this month will be:

Dr. Amanda Johnston, Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Ayaan Kazerouni, Computer Science & Software Engineering

Dr. Lizbeth Thompson, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering, General Engineering

Come join us – and tell your students to come too! Snacks will be provided!  
