Sign Up for POLS 430: Disability, Identity and Politics
Introducing POLS 430: Disability, Identity and Politics. Disability raises many difficult questions, which this course will try to answer. Who is disabled, and by what? What (if anything) do people with various

Agricultural Research Institute Accepting Proposals for Matching Grant Program
The Agricultural Research Institute (ARI) is now accepting proposals for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. The CSU Agricultural Research Institute (CSU-ARI) is a matching grant program for projects in agriculture and environmental sciences.

Cal Poly to Host Engineering Panel with Apple Leaders
Join us for an engineering panel discussion featuring leaders from Apple. The event will be held on Thursday, Nov. 3 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the Advanced Technology Laboratories (ATL). Students

CENG DEI Cluster Hire Positions Now Available
The Cal Poly College of Engineering is seeking candidates for multiple positions as part of a college-wide cluster of searches designed to promote inclusive and equity-minded teaching strategies. Successful candidates will be expected