Request for Proposals: 2022 Summer Undergraduate Research Program
All College of Engineering (CENG) faculty, including lecturers, are eligible to submit research topics for the 2022 Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP). The deadline to submit a proposal is May 2, 2022.

Motivation Through Invention
1961 electronic engineering alumnus Jim Rodgers credits Cal Poly education and a love of innovation for business success A highly-successful engineer, inventor and businessman, 1961 electronic engineering alumnus James (Jim) L. Rodgers

Student Wins Award from Southern California American Foundry Society
Congratulations to manufacturing student Jake Anderson for winning first place overall in the Southern California American Foundry Society student casting contest. Jake’s entry was noted for the most efficient gating design.

Mental Health Dialogue Group
Looking to destress during Midterm season? Do you want to meet new people? Do you just want some free pizza? Come drop by the Mental Health Dialogue Group – every other Wednesday