Amy S. Fleischer, dean of Cal Poly’s College of Engineering, will play a significant role in providing vision and leadership to engineering education across the nation as a member of the executive committee of the Engineering Deans Council (EDC).
The EDC is a consortium of deans from all the engineering colleges affiliated with the American Society of Engineering Education, and currently has over 350 members, representing 90% of all US engineering deans. Her election was announced during the ASEE Engineering Deans Institute annual conference, which was attended by more than 150 engineering deans from March 7-10 in Las Vegas.

“I’m really excited about the opportunity to help shape engineering education, which we know has such a positive impact on quality of life,” Fleischer said. “And it’s an honor to be selected by peers, who recognize Cal Poly’s excellent reputation for engineering education.”
The council has several objectives including: having an influence on U.S. public policy regarding engineering education research and management; exchanging information among its members; and promoting diversity and inclusiveness in all aspects of engineering education, research and engagement.
Fleischer, who has been dean of the College of Engineering since 2018, co-chairs the EDC’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee. She was also one of the organizers of the conference’s first sessions, Discussing Current Topics for Deans at Primarily Undergraduate-Focused Institutions.
“Dean Fleischer has consistently demonstrated a deep commitment to the objectives of the Engineering Deans Council,” said Cynthia Jackson-Elmoore, Cal Poly provost and executive vice president for academic affairs. “I am thrilled to see Amy be recognized by peers across the country for her leadership and dedication to the success of students and colleagues in the College of Engineering.”
“While we all represent our individual schools, we know that we can have a much wider impact if we collaborate and share ideas, knowledge and expertise,” Fleischer said. “I’m excited to be a part of that collaboration.”