As a young graduate student well along in her math Ph.D. program at M.I.T. and working as a Teaching Fellow at Harvard, Gioia De Cari inexplicably left the field entirely, promising herself she would never speak about math again. She eventually forged a new path for herself in the arts, in which she has worked professionally for over 20 years. Along the way, serendipity led her to create a popular play about her life in math, Truth Values, which had its genesis as a writing and performance exercise in the New York studio of the late legendary theater director Wynn Handman. In this talk, she shares never-before-heard stories from behind the scenes while she toured to more than 50 theaters nationally and, via sponsorship from M.I.T. and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, paired performances with associated discussion events lending a unique perspective on women and diversity in STEM. Where: Online, via Zoom When: April 30, 2021 at 4 PM Eastern Reservations Link (free) |