We Support and are in Solidarity with our Undocumented Students, Staff and Faculty During This Uncertain Time

To our undocumented students and employees: we are united in our commitment to you

There are many challenges we are collectively facing as we navigate our new realities. We want to express continued support of our students, faculty, and staff who have the additional burden of navigating this reality as undocumented and DACAmented individuals.

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is an Obama-era program that protects eligible undocumented people from deportation and grants work authorization for two-year periods. Nearly 200,000 DACA recipients live in California alone. Some DACA recipients are Cal Poly students and employees. In September 2017, the current administration sought to end the DACA program, which resulted in multiple lawsuits challenging the program’s termination. In November 2019, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments to determine whether the current administration provided adequate explanation for ending the DACA program. 

It is anticipated that the Supreme Court will issue its decision sometime between now and June 2020. This decision may allow for the continuation of the DACA program, or it may result in the phase out of this program. While there is a strong likelihood that DACA’s rescindment will be affirmed by the Supreme Court, we will not know the outcome and impact until it is announced. However, we know the decision could negatively impact many members of our community. 

We recognize this is a tumultuous time for many of us and that this impending decision weighs especially heavily on our DACAmented students and employees, other undocumented students, students from mixed-status families, and their allies. We see you, and we are committed to ensuring your success at Cal Poly despite these challenges. 

The College of Engineering is working in conjunction with university-wide efforts to ensure the campus is prepared to support our undocumented and DACAmented community after the Supreme Court decision is made. 


Please visit the Dream Center website for updated information and resources as this situation develops. Currently, direct immigration legal services are available free of charge to CSU students and employees. Attorneys are available to assist with general consultations, DACA renewals, and more. 

Counseling services are available virtually for Cal Poly students 24 hours a day, seven days a week, by calling 805-756-2511. The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides confidential counseling services to all Cal Poly employees and their families. Please call their 24-hour support hotline at 800-367-7474. 

The College of Engineering is here to support you. Please reach out to Maria Zavala at mdzavala@calpoly.edu or find an ally here.

