Virtual Learning and Zoom Etiquette

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Professors John Oliver, John Planck, Paul Hummel, Amin Malekmohammadi and Joseph Callenes-Sloan are teaching a studio lecture/lab class where students will be doing embedded systems lab experiments at home with electronics they purchase and a loaner oscilloscope.

Professor Oliver shared some Zoom etiquette tips for a successful Zoom meeting.

Zoom Web Conferencing Etiquette: Here are some basic rules for participating in Zoom web-conferencing. While awfully tempting to wake up and stay in your PJs while attending class, I’d recommend that you eat/caffeinate/get dressed/groom prior to class. This will help you set a routine mindset for learning.

1.  If using video, please be publicly presentable.

2.  Please avoid trying to talk over other people.

3. Only “share screen” if the instructor allows (this functionality will normally be controlled by the instructor).

4. Please have the courtesy of joining the class promptly.

5. Technical difficulties will happen and this will require the understanding of all participants and instructor.

6.  Aim to be “present” in class. Just like you would (rarely) check your mobile phone during an in-person class, please also try to eliminate similar distractions.

7. “Be excellent to each other” (thanks Bill S. Preston Esquire and Ted (Theodore) Logan).

8. Fridays are optionally “fun hat Fridays.”
