You can make a difference by teaching K-12 science or engineering! A $15,000 Noyce FIRST Scholarship can help you achieve that goal. Apply by Oct. 2
Noyce FIRST is a new $15,000 scholarship program for future science and engineering teachers. FIRST stands for “Fostering Integrated Responsive Science Teaching.” Noyce Scholars will become science or engineering teachers who can cross disciplinary boundaries and create engaging, inclusive classrooms.
The deadline to apply is Wednesday, Oct. 2. The program is aimed at current junior and senior science/engineering majors who plan to teach K-12. Use the scholarship to complete your undergraduate degree or obtain the teaching credential. (Due to federal funding limitations, applicants must be a U.S. citizen, national, or permanent resident.)
Scholarship recipients must:
- Commit to teach science or engineering for two years in a high need K-12 school district for every year of scholarship support
- Participate in monthly Noyce Seminars during 2019-20 and 2020-21
- Participate for at least one quarter in a science or engineering research project
Interested students can learn more at, by emailing, or by calling 805-756-2875.
Information Sessions will occur on M 9/23 5:10-6pm in 33-289 & F 9/27 from 3:10-4pm in 33-285.
Application URL: