Professor Kristen O’Halloran Cardinal, Biomedical Engineering, recently published work from her Cal Poly research lab in the journal Neuroradiology. The article, “Tissue-engineered aneurysm models for in vitro assessment of neurovascular devices,” included four student co-authors (Tiffany W. Shen, Brandon Puccini, Kristen Temnyk, Scott Herting) and described work that Cardinal’s team has been performing at Cal Poly over the past few years.

Preclinical testing of neurovascular devices is crucial for successful device design and is commonly performed using in vivo organisms such as the rabbit elastase-induced aneurysm model; however, simple in vitro models may help further refine this testing paradigm. The purpose of the current work was to evaluate, and further develop, tissue-engineered blood vessel mimics (BVMs) as simple, early-stage models to assess neurovascular devices in vitro prior to animal or clinical use.