Faculty Research Roundup

Grant M. Brown Engineering Building, college of engineering.
Grant M. Brown Engineering Building, college of engineering. Photo by Joe Johnston/University Photographer/Cal Poly 3-30-21

On any given day, the College of Engineering’s diverse and dedicated faculty members are producing significant research contributions through peer-reviewed journal articles, scholarly books and book chapters. Learn more about those contributions in this month’s Faculty Research Roundup. If you would like your work to be included in a future faculty roundup, submit your research here

Biomedical Engineering

Kristen Cardinal

Biomedical engineering Professor Kristen Cardinal’s research lab recently published their work, “Evaluation of Vessel Injury After Simulated Catheter Use in an Endothelialized Silicone Model of the Intracranial Arteries,” in the journal Neuroradiology. Cardinal’s lab focuses on creating “living” vessel models to evaluate vascular devices, including the creation of vessels in complex neurovascular geometries to evaluate vessel injury due to devices used to treat strokes.

Students Alyssa McCulloch (biomedical engineering) and Bree Yang (biomedical engineering) contributed to the article as well as two collaborators from Stryker’s Neurovascular Division.

Cardinal also shared this work during a podium presentation at the Society of NeuroInterventional Surgery’s annual conference in August 2023.

Computer Science and Software Engineering

Zachary Peterson

Computer science and software engineering Professor Zachary Peterson and computer science master’s student Elaine Lau presented their work, “A Research Framework and Initial Study of Browser Security for the Visually Impaired,” at the USENIX Security Symposium.

The research explores how the visually impaired experience browser security warnings, establishes best practices in conducting this kind of research and makes suggestions on how to improve online safety for this population.

USENIX Security is one of the top venues for computer security research in the world.

Electrical Engineering


Electrical engineering Professor Taufik presented a tech talk on power electronics in power systems to engineers at San Diego Gas & Electric on Aug. 24. He discussed harmonics and their increasing presence in electrical power grids due to the growing use of power-based electrical equipment, including renewable energy sources, energy storage and EV chargers. 

Taufik also emphasized the importance of understanding the impacts of harmonics, which could potentially and seriously degrade the operating conditions and performance of power grids. 

Taufik is scheduled to present a follow-up discussion covering the different types of harmonic mitigation techniques. 

Mechanical Engineering

Mohammad Noori

Mechanical engineering Professor Mohammad Noori and his collaborators have published the following journals since April 2023:

Mehrdad Ebrahimi, Elnaz Nobahar, Reza Karami Mohammadi, Ehsan Noroozinejad Farsangi, Mohammad Noori,  Shaofan Li, The Influence of Model and Measurement Uncertainties on Damage Detection of Real Building Structures Through Recursive AlgorithmsReliability Engineering and System Safety, 239 (2023) 109531, pp 32.

Ahsan Ali, Muaz Ashfaq, Aleen Qureshi, Umar Muzammil, Hamna Shaukat, Shaukat Ali, Wael Altabey, Mohammad Noori, Sallam A. Kouritem, Smart Detecting and Versatile Wearable Sensing Mediums for HealthcareSensors, Special Issue: Sensing Technologies for Fault Diagnostics and Prognosis, 2023, 23, 6586, pp 28.

Hamna Shaukat, Ahsan Ali, Saira Bibi, Wael A. Altabey, Mohammad Noori, Sallam A. Kouritem, Recent Progress in Energy Harvesting Systems for Wearable Technology: A Critical ReviewEnergy Strategy Reviews, 49 (2023) 101124.  Wael A. Altabey, Zhishen Wu, Mohammad Noori, Hamed Fathnejat, Sallam A. Kouritem, Structural Health Monitoring of Composite Pipelines Utilizing Fiber Optic Sensors and an AI-Based Algorithm- A Comprehensive Numerical StudySensors, Special Issue: Sensing Technologies for Fault Diagnostics and Prognosis, 2023, 8220.

Ahsan Ali, Muaz Ashfaq, Aleen Qureshi, Umar Muzammil, Hamna Shaukat, Shaukat Ali, Wael Altabey, Mohammad Noori, Sallam A. Kouritem, Smart Detecting and Versatile Wearable Sensing Mediums for HealthcareSensors, Special Issue: Sensing Technologies for Fault Diagnostics and Prognosis, 2023, 23, 6586, pp 28.

Hamna Shaukat, Ahsan Ali, Saira Bibi, Wael A. Altabey, Mohammad Noori, Sallam A. Kouritem, Recent Progress in Energy Harvesting Systems for Wearable Technology: A Critical ReviewEnergy Strategy Reviews, 49 (2023) 101124. 

Wael A. Altabey, Zhishen Wu, Mohammad Noori, Hamed Fathnejat, Sallam A. Kouritem, Structural Health Monitoring of Composite Pipelines Utilizing Fiber Optic Sensors and an AI-Based Algorithm- A Comprehensive Numerical StudySensors, Special Issue: Sensing Technologies for Fault Diagnostics and Prognosis, 2023, 8220.

Hamna Shaukat, Ahsan Ali; Saira Bibi, Sadia Mehmood, Wael Altabey, Mohammad Noori, Sallam A. Kouritem, Piezoelectric Materials: Advanced Applications in Electro-Chemical ProcessesEnergy Reports, Volume 9, 2023, pp 4306-4324. 

Ahmed Silik, Mohammad Noori, Ramin Ghiasi, Tianyu Wang, Sin-Chi Kuok, Nabeel S.D. Farhan, Ji Dang, Zhishen Wu, Wael Altabey, Dynamic Wavelet Neural Network Model for Damage Features Extraction and Patterns RecognitionJournal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, published 18 February 2023.

In addition, Noori and his colleagues launched the following two new Special Volumes as guest editors as part of Sensors Journal:

Noori’s article, “A Review of the Recent Advances in Piezoelectric Materials, Energy Harvester Structures and Their Applications in Analytical Chemistry,” was also published in the Journal of Applied Sciences.

His article, “A Deep-Learning Approach for Predicting Water Absorption in Composite Pipes by Extracting the Material’s Dielectric Features,” was published in Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence. Noori has also published the following two scientific collections/books that will be available in September:

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