Faculty Advisor Training Series

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You are invited to join the virtual Faculty Advisor Training Series. The series introduces undergraduate faculty advisors to academic advising core competencies. 

FA 101: Nuts & Bolts of Faculty Advising: October 9, 2020 (virtual via Zoom) 

FA 102: Assemble Your Faculty Advising Toolkit: will be offered in winter 2021 

FA 103: Building Student Success through Faculty Advising: will be offered in winter 2021 

Click here for more information about the Faculty Advisor Training series. 

If the above links do not work, please click here for details: https://success.calpoly.edu/advisor-training

If you have any questions, please contact Christina Wolfe-Chandler, Advisor Training Coordinator, at crwolfe@calpoly.edu or 805-756-5735. 

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