Two IDEAS Grants Awarded


The College of Engineering Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Committee and the Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Action Seed Grants (IDEAS) Action Group announced two IDEAS grant applications have been funded.

Ilianna Salas will attend a virtual conference hosted by Future for Us, an organization dedicated to advancing womxn of color.  

“I would like to make a difference at Cal Poly but need more training to learn about effective strategies to enact change in an organization. I believe that this virtual conference will give me the tools to do this,” Ilianna said.

The IDEAS Action Group will also cover the cost for up to 10 people to attend the virtual conference with Ilianna. Participants will be selected on a first come first serve basis. If you are interested in attending, contact Eric Mehiel at or Ilianna at

The second recipient, Sawyer Koelsch and the Cal Poly Sales Engineering Club, will plan a Women in Sales advocacy event. The Cal Poly Sales Engineering Club provides opportunities for connecting students to internships, full time jobs and networks in the world of sales. The club currently has a large male demographic, but Sawyer hopes to empower the women in the club, encourage participation and encourage new members to join through the Women in Sales advocacy event.

“Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from advocates in the industry, learn how to be an ally, get connected to opportunities and create lasting relationships with others in the club,” Sawyer said.

IDEAS was established to support the diversity mission statement of the college of engineering. Anyone affiliated with the college that has an IDEA is encouraged to apply. The application process is short and easy to do with the intent that projects in the target range of $200 – $1000 can get going quickly.

Diversity Mission Statement:
The Cal Poly College of Engineering fosters an environment based in love, empathy and respect where all are supported, energized and empowered. Opportunities to contribute exist for all and a broad range of voices and experiences are necessary as we co-create our future. We are developing an inclusive community where everyone can be their own unique selves.

Visit here for more information about Engineering IDEAS.

The members of the Engineering IDEAS Committee will review proposals each quarter and notify the contact person listed on the proposal form of the status of the proposal within three weeks of the proposal deadline.
