Sign Up for the Next KIND Speed Mentoring Event

Mentor and student

Goal: The KIND Speed Mentoring program is an inter-institution networking-based mentoring program that occurs three times a year (Fall, Spring, and Summer) and it aims to provide mentoring and networking opportunities for all CSU engineering faculty.

Who can attend? This event is open to all CSU engineering faculty/lecturers and all Ph.D./Post-Doc engineering students who are seeking jobs in the CSU system. We especially encourage individuals who identify as underrepresented in engineering to attend this event.

Time and Date: July 24, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Meeting Format: Virtual (Zoom link, Meeting ID: 895 9333 4363, Passcode: KIND)

Registration Deadline: July 20, 2024

Please fill out the Google form here.

List of mentors and topics:

Dr. Sue Rosser, Provost Emerita at SFSU – Leadership in Academia

Dr. Liz Thompson, Full Professor at Cal Poly SLO – Understanding the Post-Tenure Evaluation Process and Criteria

Dr. Lalita Oka, Associate Professor at CSU Fresno – Proposal Writing/Research Alliance

Dr. Jon Biggane, Associate Professor/Department Chair at CSU Fresno – Negotiating in Academia

Dr. Jill Speece, Assistant Professor at Cal Poly SLO – Transitioning from a Lecturer Position to a Tenure-Track Position (for Lecturers)

Dr. Arezoo Khodayari, Associate Professor at CSULA – Getting an Academic Job in the CUS System (for Post-Docs and Ph.D. Students)


There are two 45-minute mentoring sessions during the event. Every mentee can choose two different topics.

10:00 – 10:15 am: Introduction

10:15 – 11:00 am: Mentoring session 1

11:00 – 11:10 am: Break

11:10 – 11:55 am: Mentoring session 2

11:55 – 12:00 pm: Concluding remarks

If you have any questions, please contact any of the following contributors:

Arezoo Sadrinezhad, Fresno State,

Maryam Nazari, Cal State LA,

Feruza Amirkulova, San Jose State University,

Liz Thompson, Cal Poly SLO,

*The KIND Program is a new CSU system-wide initiative funded by the NSF-ADVANCE Partnership grant #2121950

“Kindling Inter-university Networks for Diverse (KIND) Engineering Faculty Advancement in the California State University System.” The goal of this project is to bring about systemic changes to increase the representation of women, particularly URM women, and to support equity for diverse groups, in the CSU engineering professoriate throughout 19 campuses.

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