Mission Accomplished: NASA Astronaut to Share Experiences During Virtual Presentation

Astronaut Rick Sturckow
NASA astronaut Rick Sturckow (Mechanical Engineering, 1984) on the Space Shuttle.

Please join the College of Engineering, Cal Poly SAE alumnus Rick “CJ” Sturckow (ME ’84), and alumnus Matt Steensma (IE ’19), virtually on Thursday, May 14 at 7 p.m. as Sturckow and Steensma discuss their experiences on the importance of project work as part of an engineering education. 

Their discussion will focus on the many fine clubs and internship opportunities available, which build on classroom knowledge and provide real-world training in the art of taking a project from the concept phase to full mission accomplishment.  They will show students who participate in these projects will be far better prepared to enter the workforce as engineers.

Preregistration through the following link is required.

Join the presentation virtually via zoom: https://calpoly.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1iEqOgKtQXGfcSUEZmElNQ

About the Speakers

Rick “CJ” Sturckow joined the Marine Corps following graduation and served as an F/A-18 fighter pilot, test pilot, and NASA astronaut before transitioning to Virgin Galactic as a test pilot.

Matt Steensma interned at The Spaceship Company and then returned following graduation to continue his work developing better estimation tools for the time required to manufacture intricate composite spaceship parts.

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