CENG Facilities & Room Reservations
Room Availability
Check academic space availability on the following calendars:
Reservation Requests
Academic/administrative departments & IRAs may place a request to reserve the ATL/Keck Lab, Bonderson 104, or Bonderson 103:
To reserve Bonderson 107 (High Bay):
- Please contact Eric Pulse at epulse@calpoly.edu.
CENG Facilities
ATL (Building 007)
- The ATL Lobby and Keck Lab are reserved together and there is a 50 person minimum.
- ATL access codes are sent by email on Fridays for reservations starting the following week.
Accessing the Building:
- Use the lobby entrance facing N. Perimeter Rd.
- Enter the code you were provided, and press the # key.
- Use the side door down the hall to enter the Keck Lab.
- Enter the code you were provided and then press the “command” key.
The ATL should always be set up in auditorium style (see below) before and after every event. If you arrive to an event and the room is not in auditorium style, please report this to the Dean’s Office at 805-756-2131.
- Left section: 8 chairs per row, with 12 rows.
- Right section: 8 chairs per row, with 12 rows.
- Aisle: The aisle should be about 4 feet wide.
- Tables: 8 tables should be against the back wall and 6 should be against the wall to the left of the stage.
- Note: There are a total of 192 chairs with 8 extra available in Room 116.
Additional tables and chairs can be found in Room 16 of the ATL. There are a total of 200 chairs, 40 tables (2’x6′), and 6 bistro tables (4′ tall). Bistros are only available with special request in advance.
Before you leave, please be sure to:
- Set up chairs in auditorium style and neatly store the tables in Room 16.
- Turn off all equipment, lights, etc.
- Close all doors, including the lobby doors.
- Remove any trash left on the floor.
- Move trash cans outside the room if they contain food waste in order to avoid ants and unpleasant odors. Please note: if you expect a large amount of waste, please order extra trash bins from Facilities.
Cleaning supplies are located in the storage cabinet near the restrooms, down the hall of the lobby. Disinfectant wipes and a vacuum cleaner are also available for event cleanup. If refills are needed, please contact the Dean’s office at 805-756-2131.

Bonderson 104
- Access to meeting rooms in Bonderson is granted by programming a user’s Cal Poly identification card.
- Disinfectant wipes are provided in each room.
- If refills are needed, please contact the Dean’s office at 805-756-2131. A vacuum cleaner is also available in Mustang ’60 for your event cleanup.
- Post-even cleanup: Please move trash cans outside the room if they contain food waste in order to avoid ants and unpleasant odors.
- Doors to the building or meeting rooms should not be left propped open.
Bonderson 104 will be set up in a general fashion: chairs will be at tables and extra chairs will be stacked. If you arrive to an event and any chairs or tables are damaged, please report this to the Dean’s Office at 805-756-2131.
Any arrangements needed with the tables and chairs are self-serve. It is the responsibility of the individual reserving the room to return the room to its previous state and clean up after their event. Otherwise, they may be charged for the services to clean and rearrange the room. This includes ordering trash can drop-off and pick-up if there will be a large amount of waste created.
All chairs and tables can be found in the room. There are a total of 95 chairs as well as 31 tables.
Bonderson 203
- Access to meeting rooms in Bonderson is granted by programming a user’s Cal Poly identification card.
- Disinfectant wipes are provided in each room. If refills are needed, please contact the Dean’s office at 805-756-2131. A vacuum cleaner is also available in Mustang’60 for your event cleanup.
- Post-event cleanup: Please move trash cans outside the room if they contain food waste in order to avoid ants and unpleasant odors.
- Doors to the building or meeting rooms should not be left propped open.
Before leaving, please be sure to:
- Set up chairs so that there are five on each long side of the table and one chair on each short end.
- Turn off all equipment and lights.
- Close all doors.